Wednesday, March 17, 2010


"Boyfriend aku control aku sangat. Bukannya aku tak suka dia, tapi rimas lah. Lepas tu, dia skandal dengan kawan aku. Aku tak tau nak buat apa, aku sayang dekat boyfriend aku, tapi aku tak nak hilang member aku jugak."

Kepada sahabatku,
Mempunyai teman lelaki tidak salah tetapi anda perlu ingat bahawa anda masih muda, dan perkara yang penting sekarang adalah menumpukan perhatian kepada pelajaran dan aktiviti sekolah. Anda ada banyak masa lagi untuk bercinta. Bila masa itu sampai, anda akan tahu untuk memilih teman lelaki yang setia dan tidak membuat anda berasa rimas. Anda juga perlu menasihati rakan anda supaya melakukan perkara yang sama dan jangan membazir masa yang ada sewaktu muda ini.

PRS Sri Aman


"Assalamualaikum PRS, saya nak cadangan daripada PRS untuk saya jaga badan supaya saya kurus! Saya nak diri saya seperti orang lain. PRS boleh tak berikan saya jadual pemakanan atau lain-lain cara untuk saya menjadi sihat dan kurus seperti orang lain? Terima kasih."

Waalaikumussalam sahabatku,
Bukan anda seorang sahaja yang menghadapi masalah ini tetapi ramai remaja yang ingin menjadi kurus. Anda perlulah menetapkan jadual pemakanan yang betul dan lebihkan pengambilan makanan yang sihat seperti sayur dan buah-buahan. Jangan buat perkara yang drastik seperti diet berlebihan, tetapi kerapkan bersenam. Elakkan makanan ringan dan pengambilan snek pada waktu lewat malam. Semoga berjaya!

PRS Sri Aman


"I used to be very hyper and had very nice friends but lately i realized that if i don't talk to my friends, they won't talk to me. Sometimes, they would ignore me. Please help me. I really don't feel like talking to them because they will think i am too sensitive."

Dear friends,
It's normal for people to change through time. What you are experiencing might be different than your friends. Probably, you are maturing faster than the rest. It isn't a bad thing, but certain times you will get really sensitive over a small matter. So i suggest that you calm yourself down before talking to your friends. If you don't feel like talking to them, just keep to yourself for a while. Take time to miss your friends and they will miss you too, so the next time you meet up with them, you will have a lot of things to say to each other.

PRS Sri Aman


"Saya ada seorang kawan yang sangat hipokrit. Dia suka menunjuk-nunjuk pandai! Dia bajet lawa dan sekarang dia tinggalkan semua kawan dia. Beliau juga terlalu obses dengan tubuh badanyya yang kurus seperti memerli orang yang gemuk. Plus, she macam say she like, already 'sedar diri' and found tuhan and she like, menunjuk-nunjuk as if we bawah dia."

Kepada sahabatku,
Jikalau anda betul-betul kawan dia, anda akan cuba memberitahu dia tentang masalah dengan cara yang terbaik. Jangan lupa untuk ingatkan dia bahawa anda sayangkan dia sebagai kawan. Cubalah nasihatkan kawan anda ini supaya dia tidak melanjutkan perangainya yang suka menunjuk-nunjuk itu.

PRS Sri Aman


"This problem keeps bugging me although I try to ignore it. The problem is, I'm having some argument with my friend, EX-BESTFRIEND. We did misunderstood with each other which the point is, I don't really get the problem. If I did hurt her feelings, I ask her to give me one more chance that day. But, she ignore my question and try to avoid me. If she didn't forgive me, should I do the same too or should (still) friends with her in different way?"

Dear Friend,

What happened between you and your friend is something that happens everyday. If you don't understand the problem between you and your friend, you should ask her for her point of view on the problem and not ask for another chance without resolving the issue. Give her time to realise that you are making an effort to make this friendship work. In the meantime, you shouldn't think about not forgiving her and ending your friendship. Treat her the way you want to be treated and who knows, your friendship might become stronger that it was before. Friendship works both ways with both parties, give and take.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010


"I'm a Form 3 student, yeah I know PMR. I have to stayback nearly every day because of sports, club and more. Once I get home, I only have one to two hours only for resting. After that, I've to go to tuition. Then, do my homework, normally at eleven, I go to bed. The next morning I am so damn tired in class, it's kind of hard to focus because I felt sleepy and tired. What I am supposed to do?"

Dear Friend,

I have to admit that the school schedule is pretty tight but it is for your own good. You should find a method that suits yourself for example a power nap. You sleep for 15 minutes and wake up to continue your homework. To maximise your resting time at home, try to finish your homework in school. Even five minutes between every period is good enough. Try your best to focus in class and avoid unnecessary chatting in class when the teacher is teaching. The more you pay attention in class, the less time you have to spend on revision at home. Last but not least, excercise! It helps one to focus and it helps you to feel more energised.



"Form 3's banyak sangat homework! I don't even have time to finish it. Pagi, sekolah, petang, koko, malam, tuition. And even if I do finish my h/w, I don't even have time to go online."

Dear Friend,

Seeing as this has become a problem, you should consult someone older who can help you to make a study timetable to better organize your time. Make sure you stick to the timetable. Learn to prioritize, start with which homework you have to hand in first. Also, seeing as going online is not a priority at the moment you should consider only going online on weekends.



"Oh PRS, masalah I hari nie adalah, I suka someone nie, senang dipanggil ______. Tpi die tk thu. Haha. Tpi die masih ingat I walaupun last meet last year. So, adakah patut I bgthu dia yg I suka dia? Oh, sngt malu. ;')"

Kepada sahabatku,

Saya rasa kamu patut mengenali lelaki ini dengan lebih mendalam sebelum memberitahu dia yang kamu suka dia. Mungkin lelaki itu tidak seperti tanggapan anda dan mana tahu dia mungkin berubah perangai daripada tahun lalu. Walaubagaimanapun, jangan lupakan pelajaran dan jangan terlalu stres tentang perkara ini.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

School Spirit Week photos

Riyana giving a speech on School Spirit Week.

Su Ann and Jen Yeen as the President and Vice President of Interact Club Sri Aman, giving a speech about School Spirit Week.

Watching the School Spirit Week video presentation.

Pn Alainal giving a speech to her beloved Sri Aman students.

D'starz girls pumping up the SA spirit!

We even got ice creams!

Nima Nzhh

Pelancaran Peti Suara Hati

Latifah and Riyana, giving a speech about 'Peti Suara Hati' and showing the video presentation (probably will be put up on the blog, soon).

Pn Alainal putting in the first ever letter.

'Peti Suara Hati' balloon.

Will put up more pictures of 'Peti Suara Hati' soon,

Nima Nzhh

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


"There are two people in my class who are so annoying, because they talk a lot in class. So, when the teacher is teaching, they like to ask the teacher silly questions. The entire class hates them."

Dear friend,

Hate is a pretty strong word, don't you think? These two girls enjoy talking a lot and are always disrupting the class because they never pay attention, so why not tell them how you feel? Explain to them how their constant chatting is making it hard for you and the rest of the class to focus on the lesson, and when they ask silly questions, it slows everyone down. Talk to them nicely and don't hate them as they might not be aware of how their behaviour annoys and affects others.

PRS Sri Aman


"I have a big problem. I have 3 best friends, who are all fighting amongst each other to be friends with me. What should i do?"

Dear friend,

As you have said it yourself; these three girls are your best friends. Therefore, there should be no reason for them to fight over you in order to be your friend. Include each other in all your plans and don't make anyone feel left out. Be equally nice to all of them, and sooner or later, the four of you will forge a friendship that will last a lifetime.

PRS Sri Aman


"I have a 'friend' in class. She is very stuck up and disturbs the class a lot. For example, a teacher gives us a question and let's say she'll just say "Oh teacher, I know." every time. She's also very stingy and likes to snatch things away. She is so stuck up. Please help."

Dear friend,

Firstly, don't treat her the same way. Maybe, all she needs are humble friends. Why don't you try telling her how her behaviour makes you and your classmates feel without being too harsh, and give her the chance to change herself. Maybe you could also politely ask her to give other classmates a chance to answer the questions that your teacher asks. Befriend your classmates, and if it doesn't work, try telling the subject teacher how you feel about her constant brown-nosing.

PRS Sri Aman


"Saya ada masalah kekurangan kawan. Saya pun tak tahu mengapa mereka tidak suka akan saya. Saya keseorangan di sekolah ini. Mereka semua ada kawan dari sekolah tetapi saya tidak. Jika saya asyik bersama mereka, mereka pasti akan berasa rimas."

Kepada sahabatku,

Kita mesti yakin dan percaya akan diri sendiri. Sekiranya kita sendiri tidak, siapa yang akan percaya? Cuba fikir secara positif; bagaimanakah cara untuk saya mendapat kawan? Muahasabah diri, dan renungkan kekurangan diri kita untuk mengubah diri ke arah kebaikan agar lebih disenangi oleh orang-orang disekeliling kita. Kalau boleh, cuba tanya seseorang tentang apa kelemahan kita yang boleh dibaiki. Dalam masa yang sama, jangan terlalu risau akan masalah ini. Ia mengambil masa untuk melakukan perkara yang menyenangkan hati.

PRS Sri Aman


"My sister keeps on stealing my shoes. What should i do? When i take some of her things, she'll shout at me."

Dear friend,

I am in Form 5 and i have the same problem as you. Older sisters will always be like that, and one thing that you have to do is talk to her properly. Tell her that you don't like how she always takes your belongings without our permission, and that you have no problems sharing as long as she asks you nicely. Secondly, everytime you want to borrow her clothes, ask her nicely and if she still doesn't let you, tell her that you lent her something of yours just recently, and that it is only fair. Besides, isn't sharing caring?

PRS Sri Aman


"Saya rasa sangat tertekan dekat rumah, saya selalu kena mengalah dengan adik-beradik. Lepastu diaorang selalu ambil kesempatan agar saya dimarahi oleh papa. Tolong saya."

Kepada sahabatku,

Anda perlu banyak bersabar dan jangan mudah tertekan. Cuba setkan minda secara positif. Sekiranya adik-beradik anda selalu mengambil kesempatan ke ata anda, cuba terangkan perkara sebenar kepada papa anda. Cakap dengan papa dalam keadaan tenang dan jujur. Jangan mudah melenting, dan sekiranya kamu tidak melakukan apa-apa kesalahan, anda tidak perlu berasa takut.

PRS Sri Aman


"Rakan sekolah saya adalah orang yang terpenting bagi saya untuk menjalankan kehidupan seharian. Tanpa saya sedari, rakan-rakan saya telah berpecah-belah kerana bergaduh. Jika saya menegur, yang ditegur akan mengamuk. Apa yang patut saya buat? Tolong lah!"

Kepada sahabatku,

Sebagai seorang kawan, kita kena mencuba sedaya-upaya untuk selesaikan masalah di antara rakan-rakan kita. Kalau kawan kita terasa dan mengamuk, tidak mengapa. Cuba tegur dengan cara yang baik, tenang dan sabar. Cara yang terbaik adalah dengan menyelesaikan masalah antara kawan awak dengan baik. Bawa kedua-dua rakan awak untuk berbincang supaya dapat menyelesaikan masalah. Jikalau mereka tidak mahu mendengar teguran kamu, cuba berkali-kali dan jangan berputus asa. Sebagai kawan, kita tentunya mahukan yang terbaik untuk rakan kita.

PRS Sri Aman

Friendship Week


Hey everyone, From 1st to 5th March, it would be friendship week at school. Take this time to make new friends and also appreciate all the friends that you already have!


Monday, March 1, 2010


"Hi dear PRS,
You know, our school got SBT right? Yeah! I want air-cond in our hall. I mean like it'll be very useful. For SPM/PMR candidates, they can sit for their exams calmly, imagine us sitting for a MAJOR EXAM panas-panas. Our brain won't work ogayh! Pleaselah, use those 700k for air-conds in our hall. It won't be THAT expensive & yeah I know we're on the GO GREEN campaign thing but its for our own good. THANKS!
P.S=Even normal schools have air-cond in their hall."

Dear Friend,

Don't we all want an air-conditioned hall. But on a practical platform, an investment in air conditioners for the hall doesn't weigh out the many other things we could do with the money. You say the SPM/PMR candidates can sit for their examinations more calmly should the hall be air-conditioned. But, note that these exams carry out only once a year. Keep in mind that not only we have to spend on sufficient amount of air-conditioners, maintenance will cost too. We could use the money for a better canteen, maybe? Or better laboratories, upgrade our washrooms etc.



"Hi! I am a Form 2 student. I got a post this year in "XXX" club. However, some of the members started to hate me because of this post. They do not want me to "pegang" this post. What should I do?"
Dear Friend,

Your friends should be happy and feel proud of you for getting this post. Before that, you have to make sure, did you get this post by cheating? Or by truly working hard? You have to make people feel that you are responsible and you will be able to handle this post. Do your job well. On your part, be sure that you are not abusing your authority. Sometimes we might get carried away with responsibility and orders that we forget to draw the line between your friend and your followers. Sit down with your friends and talk it out. Besides, you guys are only in Form 2, there are many more opportunities to get a post in the remaining 3 years that you will be in Sri Aman.



"PRS... help me !!! I nk join olahraga MSSD, then this week ada saringan, tpi kan, this year ramai plak! susah la... tk suka! i nk pegi stadium!"

Kepada sahabatku,

Kami kagum dengan semangat anda untuk menyertai olahraga MSSD. Tetapi, anda juga perlu faham bahawa setiap pelajar juga ingin untuk menyertai MSSD. Kami menasihati anda untuk berlatih bersungguh-sungguh, cuba sedaya upaya dan akhirnya bertawakal kepada Tuhan. Jangan cepat putus asa dan cuba untuk memperbaiki diri anda setiap kali. Semoga berjaya!



"Hello, my name is Fara and I had a friend that loves to talk like a lot in class. How to make her quiet for once?"

Dear Friend,

Understand that we all have different personalities. Your friend must be a very chatty person and probably doesn't realize she's causing a little discomfort in class. When you feel like you find it difficult to concentrate in class, approach your friend and in a warm and gentle manner, tell her you think she might be disturbing the class and maybe she shouldn't talk so much in class. You could even suggest she finish up her homework in class so she won't have much workload to do at home, and you get the peace and quiet you want. If it still doesn't work out, don't hesitate to write back.



"Haloo prs... pls help me out... i am a short girls trying to grow taller, i am really sad when people call me shorty and i need ur advice how to grow taller so pls tell me the best way to grow taller... plsss i really need ur help"
Dear Friend,

Truthfully there is no way for us to tell you how to grow taller. Wearing high heels might help, but yeah that's it. We think the best way to deal with your problem is by accepting yourself. Be happy with what god gave you. :) Also, don't get sad when people call you shorty, humans are like that, they are quick to judge and they like to give labels. When they call your shorty, correct them by saying "I'm not short, just petite."

Read this. The Advantages of Being Short (It's from the Internet)
  • Shorter people are less likely to break bones when they fall, have faster reaction at times, greater ability to accelerate body movements and are less likely to get severely injured in a car accident.
  • Shorter people have a smaller impact on the environment. It was found that people averaging 6 feet and 190 pounds can impact human survival by creating more pollution and depletion of resources, such as water, energy and oil.
  • Shorter people live longer. Bigger bodies need more cells and duplication of cells is limited. But of course you have to eat and live healthily.
I hope we helped you build your confidence. Remember, don't be sad, be HAPPY! Write to us again for anything.
