Friday, April 30, 2010


"Dear PRS, I need a help. Why this school teacher gave lot's of homework!! This is too sucks!! With my problems in the hostel, then this school!! How can I surf life as a teenagers also with no problem?? I need your help."

Dear Friend,

You should look at homework as a good thing because once you've done your homework, you do not really need to study too hard because you are learning. Hostel problems should be put aside, and focus more on studies and how it would affect your future later on. And remember that being a teenager isn't all about being jolly. The real life itself has its ups and downs and you should be prepared to face it as it is a part of growing up. Time management is also important. Divide yourself equally between work and play.



"Too many staybacks in Sri Aman! Almost everyday stayback! Penatlah."

Dear Friend,

That's our school, love. As a high performance school, we have to excel in everything even co-curricular activities. It's just for a little while, until Sports Day is over. Make sure the clubs that you joined are clubs that you enjoy so it doesn't feel like torture. In a few more months, it will stop but then the BOOKS awaits.



"Now that 50 is the passing mark, I'm failing almost everything! I even got a B for English which I've never gotten before. And Maths too!"

Dear Friend,

The world is changing. Standards are constantly getting harder. The only thing to do is to keep up and work harder. The March Test was somewhat a trial. Use your marks to encourage yourself to work harder. With effort, you don't have to worry about the passing marks but achieving the A+ grade.

Remember, almost everyone got terrible marks for March. So you're not the only one in this boat.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Kepada sahabatku Confused Girl,

Anda telah menghantar surat kepada kami yang amat panjang dan kami pasti anda tahu siapa diri anda. Untuk menghormati privasi anda, kami telah memutuskan untuk tidak menulis masalah anda di sini. Berikut merupakan nasihat kami kepada anda untuk menyelesaikan masalah anda.

Pertama sekali, masalah ini adalah normal bagi setiap pelajar. Kami menasihatkan agar anda lebih memfokuskan diri dalam pelajaran kerana pelajaran amat penting bagi setiap individu. Pelajaran akan membuat diri anda lebih matang dalam membuat keputusan. Adalah tidak salah untuk mempunyai teman lelaki tetapi, pelajaran anda adalah lebih penting. Selepas itu, banyakkanlah berdoa agar ditunjukkan jalan yang benar.

Kami juga merasakan bahawa mungkin anda patut sahaja berterus terang kepada lelaki yang anda suka itu. Sekurang-kurangnya anda tidak perlu lagi tertanya-tanya sama ada dia menyukai anda atau sebaliknya. Kepada lelaki yang selalu mendengar masalah kamu pula, adalah lebih baik jika anda mengenali hati budinya dengan lebih dekat lagi.

Konklusinya, sebagai perempuan anda perlulah pandai menjaga diri. Anda masih muda and oleh itu anda perlu berfikir tentang pelajaran dan tidak terlalu risaukan hal-hal tentang lelaki. Masa anda akan tiba satu hari, anda hanya perlu menunggu.



"Setiap petang , I pergi taman dengan kawan-kawan but my mom tak bagi kluar I boring duduk dekat rumah. So, I just kluar macam tu je. Balik tu I kene marah. Patut ke I duduk dekat rumah je... I'm so bored."

Dear Friend,

First of all, there must be a reason why your mom did not let you go out. Even though it's just the park, maybe your mom doesn't let you because she doesn't want you to hang around and waste your time. Besides that, hanging around the park could also be considered dangerous because there are many strangers. Maybe you should just sit at home and find other interesting things to do at home. Surfing, watching television, or even completing your homework. Studying. Learn to fill your time with good, positive things. Find a new hobby that you'll like.

No worries, be happy!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010


"I ade problem pasal March test aritu, I dah cuba sedaya-upaya but masih sama keputusan I tetap teruk. Blaja pon dah semua I dah buat tetapi tak dapat markah yang bagus. I stress sangat. Semua cikgu pandang rendah kat I. Help me..."

Kepada sahabatku,

Walaupun keputusan exam anda teruk, anda masih perlu belajar bersungguh-sungguh. Mungkin satu hari nanti, berkat usaha anda, anda akan dapat keputusan yang cemerlang. Kami menasihatkan agar walaupun anda memperoleh markah yang teruk, teruskan lagi usaha anda. Cuba anda membuat study group dengan kawan-kawan anda. Selepas itu, cuba bertanya dengan pelajar yang pandai dan minta dia tolong anda dalam matapelajaran atau bertanya kepadanya tentang tip-tip belajar efektif. Banyakkan buat latihan dan kalau ada apa-apa yang anda tidak faham, tanyalah kepada guru.

Tidak ada seorang guru pun yang memandang rendah kepada anak muridnya. Jika anda berasa yang mereka pandang rendah kepada anda, jadikan itu sebagai satu cabaran. Buktikan kepada semua orang yang anda juga cerdik pandai. Selamat berjaya.



"I would suggest this school reopens the chess and badminton club. Close the netball club. I'm not joking (only the signature is fun)"

Dear friend,

Why would you want the chess and badminton to reopen? Maybe the reason it closed down in the first place was because of lack of participants. Besides that, I think netball club is one of the main sports team in our school and almost every school has a netball club. Anyhow, I suggest that you go to see Cik Liew and tell her about your suggestion.



"I've a problem with my dad. He said he doesn't care about me anymore. Because 1 week holiday I went out. And he said I'm too much? What should I do? I've events at Vanity Mansion, KL. What should I do? Cause I'm going to events! :( I need some moneyh! Duhh!"

Dear friend,

Your dad is just concerned about you. It means he cares. You should consider what your dad thinks. Maybe you can try to talk to your dad about it. As for the money, maybe you can do some chores in exchange for money and at the same time, you're doing something nice for your parents. Also, you should consider spending more time with your family and not going out all the time.



"Saya cadangkan agar PRS memakai benda yang melambangkan seseorang itu PRS"

Kepada sahabatku,

Ahli PRS memang memakai sesuatu untuk menunjukkan bahawa kami PRS. Ahli PRS yang sah akan memakai lencana berwarna gold. Mungkin anda tidak perasan kerana beberapa ahli kami masih belum lagi mendapat lencananya.


Sunday, April 4, 2010


"Hi PRS! Saya dari Tingkatan 1. Saya ingin mencadangkan diadakan Persatuan Silat di Sri Aman dan menjemput seorang guru silat untuk melatih. Saya harap cadangan saya diterima.

Kepada sahabatku,
Cadangan anda ini wajar dikemukan kepada pihak atasan yang berkenaan, iaitu GPK Koko kita, Cik Liew. Bentangkan cadangan anda ini dalam bentuk paperwork yang lengkap dan kemas serta teratur. Semoga berjaya!

PRS Sri Aman


"Dear PRS, I know that some people are forced to choose sports that they don't really like in kokurikulum because of the limited amount of choices. I would like to start a volleyball club. Do you think people will join?"

Dear friend,
It's a good idea to start a volleyball club since there's no such club yet. I bet a lot of people would want to join, but you have to think ahead because it's not going to be easy. There's so much procedures and you have to go through teachers and administrators before forming a club. You could of course suggest this idea to Cik Liew but know that if it gets approved, you might be the one in charge.

PRS Sri Aman


"Setiap hari Isnin, kami ada ICTL. Saya bawak pendrive yang baru lagi dan tak bukak lagi dari bekas dia. Bila sampai, pendrive saya hilang! Saya rasa pendrive tu tercicir. Esoknya, saya dengar ada pendrive hilang. Saya rasa pendrive tu saya punya, tapi tak tahu mana nak cari tempat Lost and Found. Help?"

Kepada sahabatku,
Pertama sekali, rujuk dengan guru ICT (Pn Azlina dan Cik Shathirah). Lost and found boleh dirujuk daripada guru yang bertugas pada minggu itu. Jika guru tidak dapat jumpa pendrive kamu, buatlah aduan kepada guru bertugas agar pengumuman dan tindakam dapat diambil. Jika tidak tahu guru bertugas, tanyalah pengawas. Semoga berjaya.

PRS Sri Aman


"Saya selalu di marah oleh cikgu PJK saya. Dia sering memalukan saya di depan kawan sekelas dengan saya. Saya sangat stress!"

Kepada sahabatku,
Saya rasa anda perlu bertanya kepada guru PJK anda dimana kesalahan anda kerana guru tidak akan memarahi murid jikalau murid itu tidak membuat kesilapan atau salah. Selain itu, anda perlu mencuba membuktikan kepada guru anda bahawa anda bukan seperti apa yang guru anda katakan. Jika anda masih malu untuk bertanya kepada guru anda, anda bolehlah berjumpa dengan kaunselor atau ahli PRS.

PRS Sri Aman


"Dear PRS, I have a problem here and i need an explanation. I have 3 friends, and only one of them is my best friend but the other 2 gets so jealous because i am always with my best friend. What should i do?"

Dear friend,
A friendship is for everyone to enjoy and appreciate. A true friend will not feel jealous of anything. Try talking to all of them and solve the problem. I am a senior, and i have gone through all these friendship problems, but later you'll realize that any friendship should not be ended because of silly and immature things. Try talking it out because maybe the problem is due to miscommunication.
PRS Sri Aman.