"Dear PRS,
I know you guys are only the PRS but is there something that can help us, like the student council? You know, the grade stuff. I mean, what about us, the less knowledgeable students? It feels like the school is only focusing on the smarter ones and on being a top school. HELP?!?! "
Dear Friend,
We are one of the High Performance School in Malaysia and you should be proud of Sri Aman because of that. The grading system has to be upgraded to achieve a higher standard of excellence. The school isn't only focusing on the smarter ones, what they are doing is challenging us to unleash our full potential. Don't say that you are less knowledgeable or stupid. Everybody is smart and we have to study smart. Try doing a group discussion with your friends about your subjects. Or, you could ask your teachers for help. In class, learn to pay attention to what the teacher is saying and DON'T TALK. I'm sure you will be able to improve your grades.
I appreciate the labor you have put in developing this blog. Nice and informative.