Sunday, February 28, 2010

PRS Probates List

Hi everyone, this is the list of girls who have made it through 2 interviews and have been chosen to become a PRS probate.

1. Siti Sarah bt. Omar 1 Damai

2. Nurul Syawani bt. Shaffi 1 Fasih

3. Siti Hajar bt. Mohsin 1 Cekap

4. Shankari Jeyaseelan 1 Amanah

5. Aishwarya Adaikalaraj 1 Bakti

6. Raihanah bt. Muhd. Navil 1 Gigih

7. Amrit Agastia 1 Gigih

8. KavishaShree VijayaKumar 1 Fasih

9. Wan Nur Marissa bt. Wan Muhd. Kamal 1 Fasih

10. Nurul Syahirah bt. Aznizam 1 Erat

11. Dharsilla Nisa bt. Mohd. Manimaran 1 Fasih

12.Adrina Sofea Masri 1 Amanah

13. Aisyah Elisya bt. Mohd. Fadzli 3 bakti

14. Noor Fara Idayu bt. Abdullah 3 Fasih

15. Anis Suhaili bt. Suhaimi 3 Fasih

16. Nur Eliyana bt. Azizi 3 Bakti

17. Shahirah bt. Abd. Shukor 4 Sains Amanah

18. Nor Elyana bt. Nor Badli 4 Sains Amanah

19. Amirah Akhyar bt. Haziman 4 Sains Amanah

20. Zaimah bt. Abu Zarim 4 Sains Bakti

21. Deneesha Raveendran 4 Sains Damai

To those of you who got in, congratulations! Do come for your first PRS meeting this as a PRS probate this Friday. The details will be up on the board by Wednesday.

And for those of you who didn’t make it this year, don’t be sad and don’t worry! 2011 is always there, and don’t give up! We hope to see you again next year.

- Latifah.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


"Help me, I ada suka 1 lelaki ni, but dia lagi tua daripada I. I suka dia sebab dia handsome, cute, hot, cool, and banyak lagi.

Help me, macam mana I nak tarik perhatian dia. I tak nak you cakap pasal my age yang still young. Just help me macam mana nak dapatkan dia as boyfriend. Please!"

Dear friend,

At this age we really think that you should be focused on your studies and being a teenager. Our teenage years cannot be repeated ever again, so we have to make the most of it now. Don’t trouble yourself at this age with having a boyfriend because he will most likely cause disruption.

If you still want a boyfriend, I think you should go for someone who is more your age. That way you can talk of all the things that you both are going through together. This means that you are on the same wavelength with each other and you understand each other. It is even better if that someone influences you positively like in studies. Always remember to take care of yourself whenever you are with a boy.

Also, another thing is the reason to why you like this guy is because he is handsome, cute, hot and cool? In choosing someone to be our boyfriend, a good heart, attitude and personality is very important. Looks can be deceiving and don’t ever judge a book by its cover.




"One of my friend has fallen in love. I am scared if her marks will drop."

Dear Friend,

It's very thoughtful that you care about your friend. :)
First things first, be a good friend and tell her that studies are much more important than having a boyfriend. I understand that we all want to be in love and have someone special in our lives but you have to tell her that parents and studies are more important. If she insists on having a boyfriend, its okay. What you have to do is guide her through her studies. Keep on reminding her to never neglect her studies especially when a major exam is near. Moreover, if her marks dropped, make her realize the main problem to why her marks dropped. If her boyfriend is taking too much of her time, tell her that it is time to focus on her education. Remind her HOW IMPORTANT good education is for her future. Sometimes the key is just time management and a lot of effort and focus. If this problem persists, perhaps you should ask her to see the school counsellor or a PRS.



"Saya tertekan antara nak pilih sains tulen ke akaun selepas PMR. Ayah saya nak saya pilih sains tulen tapi saya takut saya tidak boleh skor dalam pelajaran itu. Mak kata pilih apa yang kamu nak jangan ikut ayah tetapi saya kesian ayah. Dalam dilema. Tolong."
Kepada sahabatku,

Pertama sekali, anda tak perlu risau kerana pada masa tingkatan 4 nanti, anda akan diberi pengenalan kepada semua matapelajaran sains tulen. Nasihat kami adalah, cuba anda mengambil aliran sains tulen dahulu. Kalau awal-awal anda rasa tak boleh bertahan, anda boleh minta daripada guru untuk keluar daripada aliran itu dan mencuba aliran akaun.

Seterusnya, ibu bapa anda memang inginkan yang terbaik buat anda. Sekiranya anda mengambil aliran sains tulen, tetapi markah anda tidak memberangsangkan, bagaimana anda nak menggembirakan hati ayah dan ibu? Sekiranya anda memilih aliran akaun, tunjukkan kepada ayah anda yang anda benar-benar ingin memasuki aliran akaun. Belajar bersungguh-sungguh dan buktikan kepada ayah anda. Saya yakin bahawa ayah anda tidak akan kecewa, dia pasti akan lebih bangga dengan kamu sekiranya kamu memperoleh markah cemerlang. Yang lebih penting, pilihlah matapelajaran yang anda minati dan sesuai dengan cita-cita anda.


Friday, February 19, 2010


"My best friend sometimes annoy me. She is not my old best friend anymore ... T_T"
Dear Friend,

There is no reason for you to give up on your best friend. Why do you find her annoying? Did she hurt your feelings? Try to talk it out with her because when you identify the problem, then you can find the solution. When you say that she's not your best friend anymore, do you mean she's changed or that you both grew apart?

If you both grew apart, try to rekindle the friendship again. Give her a call, talk to her during recess, just don't stop the contact.

If you mean she's changed, if it's for the better, stay and support her. But, if it's for the worst, then we suggest you to find a much better influence in your life. Best friends are people who are meant to be there for you at bad times and good times. If she can't do that, look for some other good friends.

Write to us again if you're still confused and be more specific next time. :)
We help you help yourselves.



"Dear PRS,
My sisters everytime do some wrong! My mother will think that I do it, what am I supposed to do? I don't like this."
Dear Friend,

Sisters are just like that, they like to get their other sisters or brothers in trouble. One thing you should do is, try not to provoke your sister. Don't purposely do something just to irritate her because that will make her want to strike back. Secondly, in a situation, explain to your mother calmly what happened. I'm sure that your mom will understand. Also, you have to remember that your sisters are your family and you will tend to get on each other's nerve. It's only a certain phase that your sisters are going through and in a few more years, I'm sure you will be BFF. Just chill and be patient.


Thursday, February 18, 2010


"We have this friend. She likes to steal and also lie to people. She betrayed us all. She gave us this "surat", and then she asks us to forgive her. But, we're not sure to forgive her or not. She stole RM5 from 18 people and she hasn't give it back to us yet. She is also picked for PRS."
Dear Friend,

Okay, let's take this step by step. Tell your friend that in order to be forgiven, she must correct to the people that she has wronged. She must replace each and everyone of the 18 people's RM5. Then, once she has done that you and your friends' should find some room in your heart to forgive her. Try to understand her situation, maybe she did it out of desperation. Nevertheless, we must first make her realize of her mistake and then it's time to forgive and forget.

And about her being picked for PRS, we hope that if she gets into PRS, she will learn to change and become a much better person.



"Heyy, I just started Form 1 this year and since I started school, I had to do a lot of homework and I have no time to do other activities. So what should I do?"
Dear Friend,

The first thing you should do is to make a study schedule/timetable. If you feel like you can't do it alone, then ask an adult or someone older to help you. This should help you to organize your time better. You can also do your homework in groups, or by yourself after school while waiting for extra-curricular activities to start. It is also a good idea to ask tutors to help you.



"Sometimes, people tell me that my friend lie and stole people money... so when I know about this thing I was just like don't know to trust who ... So when I got to know that she stole somebody money ... So what should I do?? I'm confused ..."
Dear Friend,

We understand what a difficult situation you're in, and you feel like you don't know who to trust. Don't listen to hearsay so much. You should know your friend better than these other people, so I don't think you should do anything until you know for sure that your friend has been stealing people's money. When you know for sure, you should advise her to stop what she's doing now because it can get her into greater trouble if the habit continues. If she doesn't stop, then you should tell a trusted adult what is going on. Good luck. :)



"Hi! I'm a desperate girl!I have a problem with my boyfriend! He stop calling me and last time i went grocery shopping at Jusco I saw him with another girl! Can you help me? What should I do? :) Love you PRSes. xoxo"

Dear Friend,

Don't worry too much about him. I think it's obvious that your boyfriend is not taking you or your relationship with him seriously. Your best bet is to call him yourself or approach him and ask him exactly what is going on. If he is not willing to talk to you about this, then he is not worth your time. Instead you should use your precious time to focus on your studies, as studying will benefit you more than worrying about your boyfriend will at your age. Give him a chance to explain his actions. If his reasons are not valid, then you should move on. Also, don't be desperate, life is not all about boys you know. :)


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


"I have a problem coming early to school. My parents said that I can go to school late but the prefects always punish me! WTH? Help me! PLS!"
Dear Friend,

Truthfully, we have a slight trouble understanding your problem. Are you saying that YOU have trouble coming to school early? OR are you saying that your PARENTS make you late to school? We'll answer both situations.

If YOU have trouble coming to school early, I suggest you to do this.

  • Set up your alarm half an hour earlier, so you will always have extra time
  • Sleep early so you'll wake up easier
  • Pack your bags, files, PJK clothes and other stuff the night before
  • Ask somebody like your family member to help wake you up
  • Drag yourself to the toilet and splash cold water on your face, that would really wake you up!
If you are saying that your PARENTS make you late to school, I suggest you to do this.

  • Tell your parents of what punishment your would receive at school if you come late
  • Knock on their door early in the morning, because even parents have problem waking up too sometimes
  • Remind your parents of how it will affect your school performance if you come to school late
At the end of the day, it's all just discipline. You must train yourself to wake up early and be punctual. If you don't make a habit of being punctual now, it will effect you in the future when in college and workplace. If everyone can do it, so can you! Good luck! :)


Sunday, February 14, 2010


"PRS, saya dari kelas _____, saya telah mendapat 2A3B. Waktu Maths, saya tidak faham apa yang diajar. Malah, cikgu itu merendahkan saya dan kawan yang juga mendapat 2A. Kami rasa tidak layak bersekolah di Sri Aman. Tolonglah saya ..."

Kepada sahabatku,

Terima kasih kerana mengutarakan satu isu yang kerap berlaku. Pertama sekali, tidak ada seseorang pun yang tidak layak ke sekolah ini. Perkara ini pernah dinyatakan oleh pengetua kita sendiri. Sekolah ini bukan hanya mementingkan jumlah A yang anda peroleh, tetapi kami ingin pelajar yang mempunyai semangat untuk belajar dan mempunyai sikap yang baik. Saya berpendapat bahawa anda memiliki kedua-dua kriteria tersebut. Janganlah berputus asa dengan kritikan cikgu. Cikgu hanya ingin kamu berjaya dalam kehidupan. Anda dan rakan-rakan anda sudah lebih besar dan zaman persekolahan ini hanya akan bertambah sukar. Anda haruslah berusaha dengan lebih keras. Oleh itu, anggaplah keputusan UPSR anda itu sebagai titik tolak untuk lebih maju lagi. Tahun lepas telahpun berlalu, tahun ini tahun yang baru. Kuatkanlah semangat anda.



"Hey guys, I've got like a problem. U know that my friend and my other friend is fighting like cats and dogs. And they come and complain it to me. I don't know what to do. And they always say they wished they have never met each other. They used to be BFF 4 life. I hope you can solve my problem."
Dear Friend,

As a friend that they trust you should try and talk it out with the both of them. It is not worth ruining a great friendship like they have. Remind them of the good moments that they had before this BIG fight. Make them remember how wonderful this friendship was. Try your best to persuade them to take things slow. If they still don't want to be friends, try to make new friends and break out of their shell.



"I'm having problems with my boyfriend. He just told me that he has been smoking yesterday and we've been going out 5 months plus. How can I trust him again? He always lies."

Dear Friend,

Be the best friend and try to make him quit smoking. Tell him how much you despise smoking. If he doesn't alter his behaviour, he is not worth investing your energy in. Find someone who will treat you with dignity and respect. Besides that, if he can lie about smoking, he can lie about more things other than just smoking. His lying behaviour is designed to bring you down, and you deserve better. We hope we helped you. :)



"I have a friend that I met last year. We were so close until we had a big fight. Beginning of the school year, we talk like usual, but suddenly the next week, the awkward silence begins, until now. Should I end our friendship?"
Dear Friend,

No friendship is meant to be ended. It seems like there is some sort of misunderstanding between you both. This is due to lack of communication. Although, we're not sure what was the big fight all about, it is not worth ruining your friendship. Try calling or talking to her. Identify the cause of this tension and what to do next. That's the best way to solve an argument. Also, never give up on your friends.



"I wrote this letter because I went for the PRS Interview, it really made me nervous to go through it or not. But, my main reason for writing this to tell you that I have a big problem which is I go through a lot of stress and my parents do not take care of me. But, the only person in my family that always cares for me is only my sister. My one and only sister. Her name is ______."

Dear Friend,

There is no reason for you to be under this much of stress. What is the cause of this stress? Since you have a very caring sister, you should talk to her about it. It would really help. Or, find something else to keep your mind of it like a new hobby. Write you problem down, listen to some music, or get busy. About your parents, what do you mean they don't take care of you? Be more specific next time when writing your letter so we can help you better. :)



"Hi, I have a problem. My problem is that I have Interact and Cheer on Monday and it is at the same time. Therefore, it clashes. I really want to be active in both activities. So how am I suppose to attend the activities? Please reply me. ASAP. Thanks."

Dear Friend,

We see that you are passionate about both Interact and Cheer. What we recommend you to do is, approach both of Interact and Cheer Club Presidents and inquire if you could attend meetings an alternate weeks. Say, this week you attend cheer, next week you'll be at Interact. Remember that all clubs and societies need effort and cooperation from ALL members, so you'll have to promise your clubs that you'll give them your everything despite having to miss alternate meetings. You'll have to train twice as hard for Cheer and put in double the effort for Interact to keep up with the club activities. It's not gonna be a walk in the park, but if you're really passionate for the two clubs, you'll make it. But, please please remember not to spread yourself too thin and when you feel you're had enough, cut down on your activities. At the end of the day, it is only worth it if you've enjoyed yourself.

To summarise everything we have told you, mainly you should reach a compromise with the President of both two clubs. Be fair to both clubs. If it doesn't workout, please don't hesitate to write to us again.


Saturday, February 13, 2010


"I'm torn between Japanese and Interact. What should I do? Japanese is boring but Interact is demanding. TOO MUCH HOMEWORK! WHAT TO DO!"

Dear Friend,

If you find Japanese uninteresting, don't force yourself to attend classes. It is unfair to both you and your teacher if you attend classes against your will. When you get involve in something you have interest it, it won't feel like such a chore to attend classes/meetings. Also, even if Interact is demanding, it is all worthwhile being in at the end of the day. You can get a good CGPA score.

Now, about your homework. It's all about managing your time. Create a schedule and make sure you follow it. Homework is a part of growing up because it prepares us for our future. One more thing, don't look at things like a chore, look at it as something positive and fun.


Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year!


"Hey, I'm in form 2, and I need some help and advice. I'm struggling in my homework!! What do I do?"

Dear Friend,

If you mean you're struggling with your homework as in you can't seem to find time to do your homework, we recommend you to make a schedule of when to do and what homework. MAKE SURE YOU STICK TO IT! This is when self-discipline comes in.

BUT, if you mean you have trouble understanding your homework/assignments, you could always approach a classmate or a friend to help you out. We PRS-es would love to help should you need help with homework. Look for a PRS who is in your Form. Don't hesitate to ask for assistance from a teacher or friend should you need any.



"I don't have enough time to do my homework. Sometimes I have too much of homework or sometimes I don't have any homework. When I don't have any homework I will be free and when I have homework I don't get a chance to sit and talk to my family members. I hope you PRS-es help me on my problem soon. Thank you."
Dear Friend,

It's all time allocation, honey. For when you are busy with homework, plan a schedule of when to do what homework/assignment. Your family will understand that you'll be busy with homework, but take opportunities like during dinner to chat with your family. Also, don't forget the weekends, you can catch up with them then.


Monday, February 8, 2010


Click on the image to enlargen the picture.
Thank you.


"I have too many problems in my house. My parents have not been talking to me for 2 weeks and I feel very bad. Besides, I'm the only one in the family. If they do not speak to me, then who's gonna speak to me? The problem is, I showed my anger to my mum by throwing the plate to her. Will she forgive me?"

Dear Friend,

Family is the most important thing in the whole wide world especially parents. Plus, you are the only child that they have. To be honest, it is your fault and you should make the first move to apologize. You can create a card written 'SORRY', give it to her and hug her. Or be direct and just come out and apologize. Tell your mother how sorry you are and that you miss her a lot. We are sure she will forgive you, but you have to promise yourself to not repeat the same mistake again. Remember, your parents are the ones who took care of you since you were little. Be good to them and always respect them. Good luck!

We would also suggest you to approach our school counsellor in the Counselling Room (above the Staff Room in Block A) about your problem. We are here to help you help yourself.



"Hye PRS-es :)
I have a problem, a big problem :S So let's start, I am into shopping, like seriously. Last time, I go shopping every week. That's the only thing that makes me happy but now my parents need to cut my spending since they have to send my sister off to study abroad. I am so stressed. I miss shopping. :( HELP ME dear PRS-es!"

Dear friend,

Relax .... Your problem is not really a big problem. Who doesn't love shopping? As a girl, it's normal, but shopping every week is kinda overboard. Maybe as a student, you don't know how important money is. You can avoid shopping by finding a new hobby that does not need money. We suggest dancing, surfing the internet or even drawing. If you can't find any new interesting hobby, you can still go shopping but this time you should write down why you should buy that? Are you going to need it? Is it worth it? Am I gonna wear it? So that, you'll think first before buying something. And also, you must think about your sister, she needs more money than you do at this time. Remember, education is worth spending on too. :)



"I nak beli phone baru, coz my phone takde bluetooth, ada infrared je. I nak handphone lain, yang ada bluetooth, 3G and yang hebat-hebat lah. Tapi, my mom and my sis cakap, "Kau kecik lagi, jangan nak menggedik." Arghh, tolonglah. " :(

Kepada sahabatku,

Kami memahami perasaan anda kerana kami juga pernah melalui perkara yang sama. Tetapi, cuba anda fikirkan mengapa anda sangat memerlukan handphone baru? Adakah kerana kawan-kawan anda memakai handphone yang canggih jadi anda juga mahu begitu? Jika anda terlalu inginkan handphone baru, anda boleh memintanya sebagai hadiah hari lahir ataupun hadiah jika anda berjaya mendapat keputusan yang baik dalam peperiksaan. Jika ibu bapa anda masih tidak mahu memberikannya sebagai hadiah, anda boleh mengumpul wang anda dan meminta ibu bapa anda menambah yang selebihnya untuk memiliki handphone baru. Ataupun, anda boleh mengumpulkan wang sendiri sehingga cukup. Selamat berjaya =)

PRS Sri Aman


"I'm not good in science and maths! How?"
"I not quite good in maths and science. How?"
Dear Friend,

We can't lie that Maths and Science are the important subjects and that they are quite hard to do at times. Here are some tips to be excellent in Maths and Science:

  • Give 101% attention to your teacher while she's teaching. Don't feel ashamed to ask anything that you didn't understand.
  • Do all your homework given and ask your friend or your teacher if you don't know how to do it.
  • Have a study group with your friends. Make sure there are at least 4 people in a group. It doesn't work if there is too many people.
  • Do a lot of exercise especially in Mathematics.
  • Attend tuition classes.
  • Make your own mini-notes so that you can read it anytime, anywhere and whenever you're free.
We hope that we helped you with your problem. Just try your very best. GOOD LUCK!

PRS Sri Aman

Sunday, February 7, 2010


"Sometimes i feel as if my family underestimates me. Just this morning, my mother who always hated that my other family members say i'm irresponsible, called me the most irresponsible and lazy girl she's ever met. She didn't realize how much that hurt my feelings. All i asked was if i could go out with my friends and she answered harshly with that. I don't know what i did."

Dear friend,

We all know how it feels to be underestimated by our family members, and yes, it hurts. Remember though that there are always two sides to a story. Your mother could be under a lot of stress and was looking for help cleaning the house that day, maybe you approached her at a bad time. If you want to know what you did wrong to receive such treatment from her, sit her down and ask her gently, why she called you that and what prompted her to call you that? Once you get the answer, use it as something to work on for the next time you want to ask her a question such as whether or not you're allowed to go out with your friends and what not.

As for your other family members, maybe during dinner, when everyone is in a relatively good mood, you could bring up the fact that you don't like being underestimated and underappreciated in the household, and that you feel as though you deserve better treatment from everyone around you. Explain to them how you feel when they call you things like "irresponsible" and "lazy" and tell them that it hurts you to hear that from the people you love most.

PRS Sri Aman


"Hi, i have a problem. My email just got hacked and i'm making a big fuss out of it. My life depends 50% on my email. Should i hack back into my account? Or should i just leave it alone and make another account?"

Dear friend,

I would suggest making a new email address and this time, really secure your password.

PRS Sri Aman


"My parents call me emo for a bad thing, my friends call me emo for a good thing. What should i think it as? I don't want the title as emo girl. I am different in a way, but i do not want to be called as emo. PS: I do scary things."

Dear friend,

I hope you don't mind me asking but what do you mean by "i do scary things"? Maybe that's why the people around you are labeling you as Emo Girl. Another question that i would like to ask is, why do you do the scary things that you do? Maybe your friends and family realize what you're doing and are worried about you, which is why they're calling you Emo Girl. They want to help you but are unsure of how, so they have labeled you as this to make it easier for them to identify the problem.

Friend, if there is a reason why you do the scary things that you say you do, please don't hesitate to talk to your family, friends or even one of us about it. Do know that we are all here for you always.

PRS Sri Aman


"Saya mempunyai masalah dengan ibu saya. Dia selalu memarahi saya kerana selalu mendengar lagu-lagu Korea dan menonton cerita Korea, tetapi itu telah menjadi salah satu tabiat saya. Saya rasa susah nak buang pulak -.- Tolong beri cadangan macam mana nak hilangkan tabiat ini."

Kepada sahabatku,

Setiap orang memang mempunyai hobi mereka tersendiri. Namun begitu, kita mesti pandai mengimbangkan masa yang diluangkan untuk hobi itu agar tidak keterlaluan. Dalam kes anda, saya rasa anda tidak perlu membuang tabiat ini, tetapi sebaliknya kurangkan masa yang anda luangkan menonton cerita Korea tersebut. Cuba anda berkompromi dengan ibu anda; contohnya anda hanya akan menonton 1 episod setiap minggu dan mendengar lagu Korea pada hujung minggu sahaja. Jangan biarkan tabiat anda ini menjejaskan kehidupan anda di rumah dan sekolah.

PRS Sri Aman


"I'm not happy with my class's condition. I feel that not many students in my class worry or rather care at all about my class's cleanliness."
Dear Friend,

Sometimes in a situation, it starts with one person to start and the others will follow. Encourage your classmates to clean the class or tell your AJK Kebersihan to remind your classmates to do their duties. You have to lead through example, so take the first initiative to keep your class clean. Remember, if your class is dirty you will be fined RM10 and after a while your class fund will be depleted. Just keep on trying everyday for a cleaner classroom.



"Teachers look down on the weak class in this school. When they do that, we feel stupid and useless. They shouldn't do that."

"Hey PRS, you know that I'm like in the stupid class and like the teachers look down on us as if we're so dumb. Its hard for us to learn since the teachers look down on us. So, how ah?"

Dear Friend,

Always remember to never give up or lose hope. Take the teacher's criticism positively because at the end of the day, they want you to SUCCEED in life. This is the time where you and your classmates have to step it up and work harder in your studies. Prove to them that you too can excel in exams. Also, be optimistic not pessimistic when approaching obstacles in life.



"Saya tidak hadir ke sekolah pada hari Jumaat lepas. Saya telah menanyakan kerja rumah kepada rakan saya. Dia menyatakan bahawa pada hari tersebut tiada kerja rumah. Akhirnya pada hari ini, saya dimarahi oleh Guru Sains kerana tidak menyiapkan kerja rumah yang diberi. Saya cuba menerangkan hal sebenar, tetapi cikgu tetap mengatakan bahawa saya malas! :( "

Kepada sahabatku,

Setiap kali anda tidak hadir ke sekolah anda perlu menanyakan kerja rumah daripada rakan yang anda percaya mengambil perhatian dalam kelas. Tambahan pula, bertanyalah daripada beberapa orang rakan supaya anda dapat memastikan sama ada kerja rumah itu adalah betul dan tepat. Kadangkala, rakan-rakan kita juga lupa akan kerja sekolah yang guru bagi. :)



"We are in Form 1, we would like to give cadangan to make SRI AMAN a better school. That teachers are in plan to label the canteen tables according to classes which will discourage the students from making friends from other classes. Please help us."
Dear Friend,

Well, the main reason they want to label the canteen tables according to classes is so that the girls will learn to keep the canteen clean. You can still sit with your friends from other classes, but just make sure you keep your class table clean. It is all for a good cause. Also, you make new friends anywhere, not only in the canteen during recess. Happy recessing!



Dear Ms. Out of Place,

We would suggest you to approach our school counsellor in the Counselling Room (above the Staff Room in Block A) about your problem. We are here to help you help yourself.



"Menukarkan Hari PRS (Jumaat) kepada hari lain. Ada murid yang tidak berpeluang menyertai PRS kerana ada kelas Jepun. Harap dapat menukarkan hari itu dengan segera."

Kepada sahabatku,

Hari PRS tidak boleh ditukarkan kepada hari lain kerana hari-hari lain sudah penuh dengan aktiviti kokurikulum yang lain. Oleh itu, saya ingin mensyorkan anda, jika anda betul-betul ingin menyertai PRS, masuklah pada tahun seterusnya iaitu ketika anda dalam Tingkatan 2. :)



"I think that the juniors are super rude and they need to understand the Sri Aman culture that we need to respect the seniors. I mean the form 1."

"Why all the form 1 girls don't know how to respect the seniors. Even if they accidentally bump us, they don't know how to say sorry. They claim that we don't respect them but OBVIOUSLY we can't if they don't respect us!"
Dear Friend,

We face this problem every year, about the juniors not respecting the seniors. The only way to solve this problem is for us to respect each other and live harmoniously. Learn to apologize if you do something wrong and respect your elders. Remember, RESPECT others if you want to be respected.
