Saturday, February 13, 2010


"I'm torn between Japanese and Interact. What should I do? Japanese is boring but Interact is demanding. TOO MUCH HOMEWORK! WHAT TO DO!"

Dear Friend,

If you find Japanese uninteresting, don't force yourself to attend classes. It is unfair to both you and your teacher if you attend classes against your will. When you get involve in something you have interest it, it won't feel like such a chore to attend classes/meetings. Also, even if Interact is demanding, it is all worthwhile being in at the end of the day. You can get a good CGPA score.

Now, about your homework. It's all about managing your time. Create a schedule and make sure you follow it. Homework is a part of growing up because it prepares us for our future. One more thing, don't look at things like a chore, look at it as something positive and fun.


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